Meet Marco

Baobab expresses the vision of founder Marco Senghor, born and raised in Dakar and educated in Paris. His deep knowledge and appreciation of French West African culture, food, and music infuses the enticing ambiance of his establishments.

Marco, owner of Bissap Boabab

Bissap Baobab creates a sense of 'teranga,' which means hospitality in Wolof, the Senegalese national language. Teranga is reserving the best part of the meal for one's guests; neighbors taking care of one another; being accepted for who you are.

As restaurant owner, social entrepreneur, and a dedicated community member, Marco has infused teranga into Bissap Baobab, transforming Mission Street into a multicultural enclave. One can truly experience the diversity of San Francisco by visiting this West African oasis.

Image of Marco in his restaurant

Get Marco’s book

Discover his journey from early days in America to the establishment of the Little Baobab Restaurant in San Francisco's vibrant Mission District.

“Little Big Baobab, More than a restaurant”

Book by Marco Senghor "The Big Baobab, more than a restaurant"